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Wesleyan Bank opening hours

We are open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays. 

Existing savings account

Whether you hold a cash ISA, fixed-rate deposit account or classic savings account, you can contact Wesleyan Bank using the details below.

Find more information on our existing customers page.

Existing personal loans

If you need to talk to us about your existing personal loan agreement, please contact the Personal Loan Support Team on:

If you are struggling with your repayments, the Personal Loan Support Team are here to help and support you.

Personal loans - making a payment

To make a payment by debit card, please call us on 0800 975 2088. Alternatively you can make Bank Transfers to:

Sort Code: 30-00-34
Account Number: 99999702
Reference: Your agreement number or postcode PLUS your surname

Please note, we are unable to accept payments by cheque.

Commercial loans not in arrears

If you'd like to discuss an existing business loan, you can contact our Portfolio Management Team to:

  • Obtain a copy of your agreement
  • Settle the contract early, in full or in part
  • Discuss the equipment being financed by the agreement (if applicable)
  • Change bank details

Commercial loans in arrears

If your business has temporary cashflow problems, and difficulty meeting repayments, it can be a worrying time. Rest assured we will do what we can to help.

Please contact our Collections team in one of the following ways:

Commercial loans - making a payment

To make a payment by debit card, please call us on the relevant commercial loan number above. Alternatively you can make Bank Transfers to:

Sort code: 30-00-34
Account number: 99999400
Reference: Your agreement number or company name (both if possible)

Please note, we are unable to accept payments by cheque.

Lease agreements

If you have a lease agreement that is approaching the end of its term, and you wish to discuss your options at the end of the lease, please contact the Asset Management team in one of the following ways:

If you are a Broker - enquiries relating to End of term

For enquiries relating to end of term, please contact our Commercial Banking Services team in one of the following ways:

Enquiries relating to your lease or HP agreement

If you have any enquiries relating to your agreement, please contact the Commercial Banking Services team in one of the following ways: